lunes, 3 de junio de 2013


Persuasive Paragraph

Dear friends, extreme sports are very exciting despite its danger level, but that depends on where you go to practice, for example in Florencia  Bongee Jumping is safe to practice because it has a good harness, height is low and the fright pass quickly. Boating is very interesting because you can go on the river Orteguaza that   is flowing, is deep but narrow, so is not much danger, and if  you don´t know swimming, don´t worry,  besides give you lifesaver, then I cordially I invite you to join me  in these vacation to live a wonderful experience with these extreme sports.


It can say that didactic games as rounds, puzzles and crafts, are types of tools that can help to improve   students’ motivation in Florence, because there are activities that break the monotony of traditional classes, which often can be boring for children. because they are a new educational method enables the student not only entertain, but also  express or discover their skills in different subjects and thus, the  learn in a  easier and faster way.
 It must take into account that although educational games have their advantages, also have its disadvantages if there is not have a balance when making use of them in class, because students can get to use them and it is necessary use all the methods to get a good learning, with a variation of teaching to strengthen their knowledge at all levels. Motivation in students no only depends on the class activities such as didactic games, it must take into account that there are other factors involved their learning like family, teachers- students relationship, feeding and so on, that can affect or help the students´ performing in the study, because when pupils have had conflicts with their parents or come to high school without eating anything and incidentally does not get along with the teacher, it is difficult to pay attention to the professor, although the class wil be very dynamic, there is another thing that is distracting to student and not allow their performance to be successful. for that reason, teachers should be well aware that if at any time the method of didactic games does not show good results with the students motivation, the solution is not to get discouraged and leave aside important tool, one of the solutions would strengthen their strategies or investigate whether other factors are influencing the student distracted, definitely the work of the teacher is very nice but very ungrateful because there are many people who do not value, starting with students who have not understood that the greater interest of the teacher is learning his pupils.

Finally we can say that today students enjoy learning so easy and the teachers are forced to reorganize their strategies, using new and different pedagogical methods, such as didactic games which attracts the attention of the majority of students not only their motivation but also their learning and everything that has to do with the development of their skills and training like a social person


Formal Letter

21 prinston St,
                                                                                              25ʰ March, 2013
                                                                                              15 North Meadows St

Luisa Fernanda Bautista López
General Manager
Flocacol Bank
Sparkly building- office 403

Dear Mrs. Bautista

I am writing this letter with regard to your advertisement in the newspaper;   I am pretty interested to get the post of assistant manager that the bank offers and carry out the goals that the bank has proposed to the person who will work in that post.

Grateful for your attention, I expect a prompt response either in my email or phone number.

Phone number: 4370647

Briyith Suaza Mendez

Semi Informal Letter

21 Springs St,
                                                                                              25ʰ March, 2013
                                                                                              15 Beatle St

Dear Mrs. Bautista

I am writing to you because these days I was thinking in our last conversation about the congress and I do not know until I can send all the documents to register and assist the next May to Congress.

Will be waiting your answer.


Briyith Suaza Mendez

Informal Letter

9 Hills St
                                                                                                          25ʰ March, 2013
                                                                                                          13 Starford St

Dear Lui

I tell you what I this vacation I´m sad because, first we don´t have water again, also today rained a lot and I can´t go out because even I have flu and at night I can´t sleep well.

That´s it for today and the next week I hope can talk with you, have a good vacation.

Best wishes



Formal Email

Dear Madam Bautista.

I want to express to thank you through this email for having me in your home when I was unemployed,
 I will never forget this great favor that you did.



Semi Informal Email

Classmate, seven months ago that I arrived to this group, I was scared because I did not know who was each one, but when I started to talk with you, I felt so fine that I thought, this chick is going to be my good friend since then our friendship grows every day more.

Best wishes

Informal Email

Hi Luisa
I tell you what in this vacation my nephews are here in my house with us, we love them, but Diego only wants to see car´s movies, for that reason we can´t see what we want.
Brissa is only on the computer, she almost doesn’t bother she is
She is pretty judicious.
However I´m so happy with my nephews visit.

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013



Water, at the same time  which is the most abundant liquid on Earth, and the human body represents the most important natural resource and the basis for all life. If no action is taken to control its consumption is likely to land very soon present water scarcity, even where there is so much this necessary liquid as Caquetá, Amanonas depts. For it, it have to presented a series of precautions to preserve it, so we can enjoy this resource for the rest of our lives.


christmas day, my family and I live a great moment. We all gathered to celebrate my mother´s birthday and also enjoy the ninth children gift, a delicious dinner at midnight, then lie down to sleep children, while adults dancing and drinking different alcoholic drinks and the next day we are going to spend the hangover on the river with a delicious hen sancocho.


The first International English Congress, was the door that opened the minds of many attendees, about what it means to speak or practice a foreign language, speciallly English. We had the support of some native teachers that contributed with important topics such as Approaches in Teaching English and Eminent Teacher of our university such as Eulises Cordoba, Silvia Lucia Molina and Sherlly Montenegro.


The 1st International EFL Teacher´s, was a great experience for me and for all attendees, because we had us the opportunity to shared with different foreign and Colombian people from around the country, also the good workshops in the rooms with my classmates who help me when I did not undersntand the explanation, and occasionally told jokes that made me laugh, so I want to attend to other congress because  is a great experience both for learning new things, and to share with classmates.


The beaches of the Caribbean coast aes the most popular placre in Colombia for its natural beauty, compared to other places like Bogotá, The Caribbean coast has clean streets, more beautiful rivers, nicer people and sea, but in The Caribbean coast, everything is expensive, like food, clothes and so on, while in Bogotá those things are cheaper. For that reason, some people prefer to live in the Capital Colombia city.


Panela is one of the most consumed foods in Colombian homes, for its low price, taste, nutritional value and offering easy access to this product. This product is part of our tradition, because it has remained throughout history in all its original features (production, shape and quality) for many years, panela has occurred on farms with traditional technology (trapiche).
Panela is the basis of livelihood for many farmers, who produce in small scale units with family labor facing many difficulties to modernize their production and markets expand their markets.

this foodstuff can be considered a whole sweeter preserves most of the compounds presents in sugar canner as it cane juice and therefore, it is expected that its traditional.

Panela is a type of unrefined sugar that is extracted from sugarcane in Colombia. Although many countries around the world use unrefined sugar the name panela is unique to Colombia and surrounding areas. Commonly sold in hard, flat case, it is an expensive and reality available, the most Colombian it is wed primary desserts and syrups including a drink called Aguapanela   that is very popular in the region. The unrefined in Colombia, which is the second largest producer of the unrefined whole sugar cane   in the world behind India.

Panela is made from the juice of the sugarcane after boiling and the evaporation. We learnt how the local people work with the cane sugar. For that reason Panela process is too easy, it does not need a scientific step for its production because is prepared in farms and could say that is an artisanal product. Then we will explain the steps necessary for the preparation of this famous product in our country Colombia.
First of all they collect all the sugar cane from the field.
Second they introduce the sugar cane in a machine called trapiche, which separate the cane from the juice. After this, they boil the liquid in different hoppers with different temperature.
Then, the exacted juice is boiled until it reaches the hard ball stage; it is poured into molds and allowed to cool.

The second producer of panela is Colombia (about 1.4 million tons / year), where sugarcane production is One of the most important Economic Activities. In Colombia, the panela industry is an important source of employment, with About 350.000 people working in nearly 20.000 trapichess (panela farms).
This product is produced predominantly in the rural economy, the basic economy of 236 municipalities in 12 nation departments.
An estimated 70.000 cultivate sugarcane farm which generates more than 25 million in wages annually, around 35000 employing people, or 12% of the rural economically active population, making it the second largest employer after for coffee agricultural production.


Panela has represented for a long time the economic livelihood of the rural households over 12 departments and 236 municipalities of our precious homeland, therefore this product is listed as one of the main economic activities of the Colombian population. Panela is an important line of local agricultural production in terms of participation in the value of production, employment, areas used in sugarcane and participation in household spending, among others. The sugarcane is a crop with a great capacity to adapt to the diverse ecosystems of the country, which have allowed it to expand constantly its borders and use land unsuitable for other crops.

The research development of sugarcane production was possible to determine that most Colombian households use it as the main sweetening ingredient, considering that there are others products which can be used to replace sugar cane, but it excels by its natural consistency and the process requires no scientific or chemical ingredients therefore, this is a natural product. The development of this product is usually on farms that have crops of sugar cane and it does not necessarily require a technician or professional to perform the process, it just requires the willingness of experts who have learned empirically the process of the villagers themselves in rural region, although they receive technical assistance to agricultural producers associations to improve productivity, quality and hygiene control.

One of the biggest problems facing sugarcane production is the development of new products that advance slowly, especially alternative uses of sugarcane (animal feed, fuel alcohol, intake of the food industry, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, etc.) also strongly affects the market behavior. Creating new products with sugar cane juice was triggered panela prices, because it was previously possible to get a piece of panela approximately fifty percent cheaper.


sábado, 27 de abril de 2013


I want a friend who share a lot of things, for example walking in the evening, dance all the days practice different extreme sports, so my friend should be risky to do all the things, but also tender, kind, funny, humble, friendly because I like to help the people that are in risk or need something for example old people who can not past the street and so on.

The appearance is not important for me because I consider that the best part of the people are the feelings. I prefer his height tall because I am small so he could help me when I need.

His hair could be short to have not problems with some one.

His face must be smiling because is is serious might scared other friends who are very funny.

Finally his skills must be, force and smart to help me in my workshops and that is it.


I live with an older sister, her name is Sandra, she works and studies, for that reason, she gets up earlierthan me almost at 6:00 am because her job starts at 7:00 am.

I see her at noon, when she arrives at home to have lunch, while she is eating, I do the dishes because then we share a few minutes talking.

At 1:30 pm she leaves the house and goes to the office, at 6 pm she goes to university and we see again at 10:30 pm before going the bed.


There were a couple that was in love, but neither boy nor girl knew that the love was reciprocal, one day the girl found the boy and he gave her a flower, that was the first direct encounter. Then the girl started to leave some gift like chocolate and so on,  because she thought that the boy could be interested in her. One day in a theatrical presentation the girl changed her appearance and the boy danced with her, then the encounters were consecutive and at the end both were in love and happy because they knew that.


I usually get up at 8 o´clock some days, because other days I get up earlier or later. I do not take a shower immediately, first I clean  the house, do the dishes and prepare the lunch.

At noon my older sister arrives at home and I share some minutes with her, often we watching tv or talking about her job or my university. Then I take a shower, get dress and take a short nap, mor or less 3o, 60 minutes. At 2 o´clock I do the homework, study some lessons in English and surf in the web with my firends on facebook.

I leave my house at 6 o´clock and go to  university, because I am studing English in Amazonia university, my classes end at 10:30 pm, so I go to my house, get dress my piyama and go to bed.

sábado, 20 de abril de 2013


Motivation is a necesary tool that all the teachers should use with their students, because learning may depend on it. Didactic games is that instrument that will awaken the interest and link learning process in the pupils. Although those resources are not the most important materials to improve students´ knowledge, the main element is the relationship among teachers and students and also their abilities to handle a group with different activities. The practice would show that is not easy work with many students in the same way because they  could be bored, so its important changed the routine.



Teacher, students, classroom, time, groups, chairs, papers, crosswords, tape recorder, board, videos, comics, sudoku, movies, magazine.


Priority: students.
What For: improve their academic performance.
Where: in the learning process.
Why: becaue it is necesary create new methods to arouse their interest.


In some high schools from Florencia, many teachers look for strategies to improve the motivation for their students, although no every one think that with a good motivation, the students can improve their learning, rather their prefer blame the lack of attention and other problems to justify  low performance of the pupils.

Those problems could be:

* Family breakdown.
* Poor nutrition.
* Love´s troubles.


In some high schools from Florencia, many teachers look for strategies to improve te students´motivation.


* Family brakdown.
* Poor nutrition.
* Love´s troubles.


TOPIC: Games

NARROWING A TOPIC: Different games in Kindergarten in Florencia Caqueta Colombia

TITTLE: Didactic Games To Impove Students´ Motivacion In Florencia

FOR WHOM: Teachers


                    1 Build Figures
                    2 Analyze
                    3 Knowing


                   1 Songs
                   2 Greetings
                   3 Shared with other


                  1 Plasticine
                  2 Drawing